KiVa is a research-based tool to prevent and reduce bullying problems. Supporting years 2-10, KiVa has been proven to make a difference and focuses on teaching our tamariki respect and acceptance of all students, their culture and identity.
Useful information on the KiVa programme in New Zealand.
Bullying has many negative outcomes and some of these can be lifelong. These outcomes extend far beyond the victims of bullying too - there are implications for the student exhibiting the bullying behaviour, for the bystanders who observe it taking place, and the wider student population. Naturally, with such a wide impact on tamariki, the entire school community is affected.
If you have any questions, or for more information, please contact one of our friendly team.
The Benefits of KiVa
With KiVa’s whole school approach, the benefits extend beyond the impacted students to the entire school and the wider community. Students feel more empowered with skills and confidence to address bulling behviours and the programme promotes respect and a positive peer culture. In New Zealand, over 60 schools and kura currently use Kiva to address bullying behaviour and they have reported a 25% reduction in bullying within the first year alone.
KiVa FAQ Sheet for parents
What is KiVa?
What is bullying?
Bullying is defined as harmful, deliberate, and repeated behaviour, targeted towards a person who is perceived as less powerful. Bullying has many negative outcomes and some of these can be lifelong. We know that bullying occurs at all ages and across all areas of society, but often a child’s first experience of this behaviour happens in school. According to the OECD, New Zealand is known as one of the worst countries in the world for reported cases of bullying. It is a serious problem for our tamariki, but we can work together to prevent bullying.
KiVa in schools
The KiVa programme consists of 10 lessons and assignments conducted over the school year. The lessons incorporate discussions about bullying and respecting others. KiVa is a whole school approach and has three main aspects: prevention, intervention; and monitoring. The goal of the work done at the classroom level is to educate students about their role in stopping bullying. Putting an end to bullying becomes possible when a shared sense of responsibility is developed and group norms are changed.